Personal Growth

Stand up for Yourself

When I was a little girl, I grew up surrounded by the influence of strong women, who, from very early on, encouraged me to enrol in everything I could – from singing, dance to art competitions. I was taught to take advantage of every opportunity, to stand up for myself, and to believe I could soar to the greatest of heights.

Through the trials and tribulations of growing up as part of a Malay family in Singapore, I never stopped hearing the voices of my aunts, cousin and grandma encouraging me. The voices reminded me of my lineage, and they reminded me to be unafraid.

I learned to challenge anyone who said I could not accomplish my goals. I decided that no one else would determine my boundaries to shatter the culture that tells women to “stay in their lane”. I did everything others were hesitant to try – like putting my outspokenness to good use by joining the debate team – simply because I could.

I have literally walked through fire to get to where I am. When I was 21, my aunt convinced my late dad to send me to an “Unleash the Power Within” live event with Anthony Robbins. I did the famous fire walk and found it to be life altering and cathartic!

I also know failure. My life experiences taught me to listen to my inner voice and follow my passion fearlessly. My father was keen for me to be in the IT and tech space, so I joined the computer club in school and graduated in computer science. I landed a job at Microsoft as my first gig. Starting my career in this space, I soon knew my heart was elsewhere; my talent and passion were elsewhere. So I heeded that call and followed my heart to join the creative industry.

The faith I had in myself carried me further than grades and awards ever could.

Today, I am the Creative and Global Brand Head of Green Park Content, a multi-award-winning global agency with offices in Singapore, Jakarta, London, São Paulo, and New York.

If I could go back and talk to the little girl in the picture (who looks a little unsure of herself. But she was never afraid to try!), I would tell her to continue to be unafraid. I would tell her not to give up, even when the world seemed bleak and unrelenting. Most importantly, I would say to her – “Hey, look! we made it here.”

And perhaps I would say the same thing here to many of you. Don’t ever give up – on your dreams, on your ambitions, and on yourself. Don’t be afraid to try things you’re unsure about. Remember that it is ok to be uncertain of yourself, but do it anyway. Otherwise, you’ll never know what you can achieve and what you can be.

You are capable of so much more than you think you are, but you might never get there if you don’t try stepping out of your lane every now and then. After all, if I made it here – well, there’s really no reason you can’t either.

This little girl knew love, she carried love with her, and today, she does her best to pass love on to every person she encounters. #ThisLittleGirlIsMe

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