Grit to Great

How to Survive and Thrive in the Eye of the Storm

Last week in Jakarta, we launched our “Grit to Great Coaching with Fe”, a monthly series of leadership and mentorship sessions in Greenpark APAC for our dear Greenparkers, discussing confidence building, mental health, leadership styles, and practical tips and tools that can help them!

Here are the key takeaways and tips from the first session, “How to survive and thrive in the eye of the storm”.

1️⃣ How do you take control of “chaos” and not get overwhelmed?

Stay resilient and be on track with your purpose despite chaos and challenges.

For me, categorising my “stress” and setting a priority list helps me take better control of my chaos. You can label your stress levels with low, medium, high, or from 1 to 10 to differentiate and determine what needs to be dealt with.

Then, prioritise what needs to be done now, tomorrow, or next week.
Finally, having a top 3 on your task lists allows you to focus on the most important things to get done. For me, anything I do on top of that is considered a bonus.

2️⃣ How do you manage your emotions and remain composed in reacting and making decisions?

We are human, we have feelings, and these feelings are valid. Instead of letting your emotions ruin ur day, take this negative energy and direct it to productive, positive action so you utilise your energy to its full potential. Next, have an action plan, make things happen, and you will see changes.

3️⃣ How do you stay resilient when knocked down repeatedly?

Remember, “You don’t lose; you win, or you learn.” It helps to look at failures with that mindset, which helps me learn more about myself. Manifesting, visualising, and building positive momentum can also be a huge source of help. It keeps you focused on the goal.

When things are not working, consider changing the plan. Sometimes, we might be too intent on one way of doing things when we can find another way to get to our goal.

Finally: find your purpose! A clear vision of your north star is a strong reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing. It keeps you going even when times are hard.

In a nutshell, the session is meant to teach us to look at challenges as opportunities, celebrate small wins, and build on that momentum. I hope you can use these tools in your daily challenges.

DM or share with me what you’d like to learn or what you’d like me to share in the next session.